Saturday, March 28, 2015

Perfect Kosher Dill Refrigerator Pickles

No, this sin't a pretty picture yet pickles really aren't that pretty to start with ;) 

Easy & No canning necessary!!! 

4-6 garlic cloves peeled. We're a little garlic obsessed so I go heavy. 
Fresh dill fronds. Freeze leftover dill. Frozen works awesome in the pickles as well. 
Tbsp. black peppercorns
Hot chili flakes- optional 
2-3 Bay leaves- Maintains crispness & adds flavor

1 c. vinegar 5% acidity
1 c. water
1 Tbsp. Kosher salt

Choose small sized cucumbers. Slice them as desired. Drop garlic, peppercorns, chili flakes, dill & bay leaves on the bottom. Pack cucumbers tightly into a Quart sized wide-mouth jar. Boil vinegar, water & salt. Add to jar to cover contents. Tap the jar on the counter to remove the bubbles. Add lid. Cool on counter. Refrigerate. Enjoy a few days later. That's it! 

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