Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Lazy Cook's Chicken or Vegetable Broth

The lazy cook's Chicken/ Veg Broth

Alright, every time you cut up a vegetable or peel a carrot, you toss the peelings, ends & whatnot in a freezer bag. 

I use carrot ends & peels, everything that we don't use on an onion, celery ends & fronds & mushrooms. 

If you roast a chicken, clean it up & save it in a freezer bag as well. 

On broth day, you're just going to dump in all of your saved frozen veg & chicken into a pot. 

Add a couple Tbsp. peppercorns, a tish of salt, a few bay leaves- yum, yum, dried or fresh thyme, parsley, rosemary if you'd like. It really doesn't matter. 

Cover this concoction up with water nearly to the top. Bring to a boil & reduce to a simmer. One to a few hours will do. Whatever you've got time for. 

Let it cool & then add to freezer containers in two cup portions. 

Freeze up to three months. 

Whenever you need broth in a recipe, grab a container , run the bottom under water a bit to loosen up & drop in the pan. No defrosting required 

And those onion skins? They make the broth a deeper color & add nutrients not in the onion.

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