Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Galette. Fruit Tartes.

Galette's are really simple fruit tartes with a fancier name. French to be exact.  
I love throwing these together for get togethers or just when I need to save fruit from spoiling. 

Blueberry & peach galette

Standard fruit filling recipe:  Your tarte's innards ;)

3 c. fruit. Mix & match. The more the better!
1/4 c. organic sugar
4 tsp. all-purpose flour or arrowroot powder. Both of these will thicken up the juices while baking. 
1-3 tsp. cinnamon. I like a lot more so go by smell & taste. 
1 Tbsp. lemon juice. Fresh squeeze this, it's worth it! Freeze the rest of the lemon juice in an ice tray.  
Tarte dough: 

You can buy the store's pre-made stuff but if I start to list what's in it, you may change your mind later. Totally another subject... ;) 

1 1/4 c. all- purpose flour
1/3 c. cold butter 
a tish of sugar. about 1-2 tsp. 
4-5 Tbsp. cold water. Yes, it's important to be cold. 

Drop your flour & butter into a food processor/ mixer, not a blender. Or place it in a big bowl & use a pastry blender or fork to work in the butter. Either way works well.  

Pulse until butter is distributed into the flour. Looks kind of chunky or "pea sized." Don't fret. You just want the fat mixed into the dry to create buttery flakiness. 

Sprinkle the cold water through the feed tube on the running processor until the dough totally lumps together. You'll know. For the bowl method, add the water & mix until the dough sticks together.  If it's too sticky/ wet, add a smidge of flour at a time.  Too dry, like it doesn't want to hang together, add a teeny bit more water.  Shape dough into a ball. You don't need to knead or anything. Yay! 

How to do this: 

If you have a baking stone, pre-heat the oven with it inside & assemble your galette on something that you can slide it into the oven. I use a pizza peel. 

If you are baking this on a baking sheet, assemble your galette on that while the oven is pre-heating. 

Now, take your dough & smash it down on a lightly floured counter. Get your rolling pin out & roll from the center out in all directions. The awesome thing about the tarte is that it's free form, no need for perfection here! Get that puppy thin, like an ipad charge cord... thin enough to pick up & not tear apart. This may be a little tricky the first time around, if I got it, you'll get it, believe me! 

Scoop your fruit mix onto the center of the rolled out dough & pile it up. You'll want a 1 1/2 - 2 inch naked border around the fruit. Then fold the sides up to encase the filling. You can fold in one direction overlapping the dough on your finger to create waves or just fold it up however it works. 

Grab an egg & a bowl. Mix the egg with 1 Tbsp. water. Brush all of the visible crust with the egg wash. It creates the most amazing golden crust. 

Bake at 375* F for 40-45 minutes or until the crust is perfectly golden. 

Cool. Dust with powdered sugar if desired. 

This dessert is fab on it's own but a bit of ice cream or whipped cream accompanies nice too. 

Amazing fresh dewberries from our local Mahaffey Farm.

Dewberry galette
 I don't really have a "recipe"... I place the washed berries in a big bowl. Sprinkle organic sugar over the berries, just enough to sweeten it up & counteract the sourness.

This was a pint of berries so I used about 1/3 c. sugar.
About 1-2 Tbsp. Arrowroot powder, cornstarch or all- purpose flour to thicken up the juices as it bakes up.
Couple teaspoons vanilla extract. I used my homemade bourbon vanilla extract.
Tablespoon of sweet cinnamon powder.
Tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice.
Mainly, it should all smell scrumptious! If it's a bit sour, needs more sugar. If too sweet, add a little more lemon juice. It's not rocket science ;)

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